2. Include the HTTPS URL in the command line of a Java application (for example, starting the batch file)
prompt>authclientXFire.bat https://tst.javaschool.com/AuthService getRoles ad testuser2
If Java or .Net applications need to access a web service which requires HTTP Basic Authentication, the application should send a username and password in the HTTP header of the request.
Every request, including the first, MUST contain the basic authentication data.
The username and password are base-64 encoded in the Authorization HTTP header in this format:
Basic :.
Was it clear so far?
See [RFC 1945] section 11.1 for more information
Authentication Rules and Tokens
For application-based transactions, the following authentication mechanisms is recommended:
1. SSL Client (Mutual) Authentication
For user-based transactions in which the Service Consumer is being used by a person, the following additional authentication mechanisms are recommended:
2. HTTP Basic Authentication
3. WS-Security UsernameToken to pass the username and password Or BinarySecurityToken as Kerberos Tickets or X.509 Certifications
Assignments 1. Research this subject on the web and provide an essay expanding the most important aspects.
2. Email the essay with the reference links to dean@ituniversity.us
3. Create 4 QnA on the subject and email to dean@ituniversity.us
2016-01-12_12:18 by Rushakoff Robert
The group at Wash St Louis has published their data on their hypoglycemia prediction model with good outcomes. Kilpatrick CR, Elliott MB, Pratt E, et al. Prevention of inpatient hypoglycemia with a real-time informatics alert. J Hosp Med. 2014;9(10):621-6.
with some luck we will be programming it into epic over the next few months with real time alerts, just like sepsis alerts. (hoping for once to get an internal grant to assist)
2. Include the HTTPS URL in the command line of a Java application (for example, starting the batch file)
<br/>prompt>authclientXFire.bat https://tst.javaschool.com/AuthService getRoles ad testuser2
If Java or .Net applications need to access a web service which requires HTTP Basic Authentication, the application should send a username and password in the HTTP header of the request.
Every request, including the first, MUST contain the basic authentication data.
The username and password are base-64 encoded in the Authorization HTTP header in this format:
Was it clear so far?
See [RFC 1945] section 11.1 for more information
Authentication Rules and Tokens
For application-based transactions, the following authentication mechanisms is recommended:
1. SSL Client (Mutual) Authentication
For user-based transactions in which the Service Consumer is being used by a person, the following additional authentication mechanisms are recommended:
2. HTTP Basic Authentication
3. WS-Security UsernameToken to pass the username and password Or BinarySecurityToken as Kerberos Tickets or X.509 Certifications
Assignments 1. Research this subject on the web and provide an essay expanding the most important aspects.
2. Email the essay with the reference links to dean@ituniversity.us
3. Create 4 QnA on the subject and email to dean@ituniversity.us
The group at Wash St Louis has published their data on their hypoglycemia prediction model with good outcomes. Kilpatrick CR, Elliott MB, Pratt E, et al. Prevention of inpatient hypoglycemia with a real-time informatics alert. J Hosp Med. 2014;9(10):621-6.
with some luck we will be programming it into epic over the next few months with real time alerts, just like sepsis alerts. (hoping for once to get an internal grant to assist)