LHS (Left Hand Side: Conditions)
RHS (Right Hand Side: Conclusion)
. More rules
Rule Keywords
To avoid confusions we do not name data with the same names as keywords.
There are hard keywords that absolutely prohibited to use as data.
There are soft keywords, which can be recognized in their context.
It is still recommended to avoid them if possible, while naming data objects.
lock-on-active This attribute is used when we do not want the rules to be iterative for changes
date-effective Checks the effective date for the rule
date-expires - A rule cannot activate if the current date and time is after the date-expires attribute
no-loop Also used to cut down the iterative rules on change
auto-focus when there is no focus group set, the rule with auto-focus is given the focus
activation-group If we want to execute only one rule for a set of rules, whichever evaluates first
agenda-group Attribute used to apply rules only to a given set
ruleflow-group Defines the flow of the execution of rules
entry-point If we have multiple partitions in a Working Memory and you can choose which one you are inserting into
duration It is used to fire a rule after a stipulated amount of time
package Keyword which holds the package information in which the drl files resides
import Keyword which holds the object details which are used in the drl files
dialect defines the language in which the rules can be defined
salience holds the priority of the rules
enabled By default this attribute is true for all rules
attributes built in functions of the drool rule language
rule keyword against which the rule name is defined
extend keyword to extend the rule behavior
when considered as the LHS of the rule
then - considered as the RHS of the rule
template Keyword used to define the rule templates within a file
query Used to run a query through the rule evaluation
declare Keyword used to create new types within the rule file
function - Functions are a way to put semantic code in your rule source file
global used to define any of the global variables in the drl file
eval Its a constraint used to any valid dialect expression as long as it results to a primitive boolean
not Negation expression for a rule
in Used to evaluate a condition within a collection
or The OR conditional evaluation
and The AND condition evaluation
exists Checks whether a particular condition exists in a collection or not
forall - evaluates to true when all facts that match the first pattern match all the remaining patterns
accumulate Used to iterate over a collection of objects, executing custom actions for each of the elements, and at the end it returns a result object
collect - allows rules to reason over a collection of objects obtained from the given source or from the working memory
from to evaluate values by using the content within a collection or object
action - this is a semantic block of code in the selected dialect that will be executed for each of the source objects
reverse - if present will be executed for each source object that no longer matches the source pattern
result - this is a semantic expression in the selected dialect that is executed after all source objects are iterated
end Denotes the end of the rule syntax
over To check if certain value is OVER the specified value
init - this is a semantic block of code in the selected dialect that will be executed once for each tuple
Comments are sections of text that are ignored by the rule engine.
Single line comment
rule "Testing Comments"
// this is a single line comment
eval( true ) // this is a comment in the same line of a pattern
// this is a comment inside a semantic code block
Multi-line comment example:
rule "Test Multi-line Comments"
/* this is a multi-line comment
in the left hand side of a rule */
eval( true )
/* and this is a multi-line comment
in the right hand side of a rule */
Syntax Error Samples
1: package org.drools;
2: rule
3: when
4: Object()
5: then
6: System.out.println("A RHS");
7: end
Now the above code generates this message:
[ERR 101] Line 3:2 no viable alternative at input 'WHEN'
This message means that the parser encountered the token WHEN, actually a hard keyword, but it's in the wrong place since the the rule name is missing
1: rule simple_rule
2: when
3: Student( name == "Andy )
4: then
5: end
The above code misses to close the quotes around Andy
1: package org.drools;
3: rule "Avoid NPE on wrong syntax"
4: when
5: not( Person( ( name == "Jeff", phone == 1234567890 ) || ( name == "Julie") from $guestList )
6: then
7: System.out.println("OK");
8: end
In this case to fix the error we need to replace comma with "&&"
5: not( Person( ( name == "Jeff" && phone == 1234567890 ) || ( name == "Julie") from $guestList )
The fdsfdsfds text is invalid and we need to remove this line.
Trailing semi-colon not allowed
This error is associated with the eval clause, where its expression may not be terminated with a semicolon. Check this example:
1: rule simple_rule
2: when
3: eval(abc();)
4: then
5: end
Due to the trailing semicolon within eval, we get this error message:
[ERR 104] Line 3:4 trailing semi-colon not allowed in rule simple_rule
This problem is simple to fix: just remove the semi-colon.
Import statements work like import statements in Java. You need to specify the fully qualified paths and type names for any objects you want to use in the rules. Drools automatically imports classes
from the Java package of the same name, and also from the package java.lang.
With global you can define global variables. They are used to make application objects available to the rules. Typically, they are used to provide data or services that the rules use, especially application services used in rule consequences, and to return data from the rules, like logs or values added in rule consequences, or for the rules to interact with the application, doing callbacks.
Globals are not inserted into the Working Memory, and therefore a global should never be used to establish conditions in rules except when it has a constant immutable value.
global java.util.List myGlobalList;
rule "Using a global"
eval( true )
myGlobalList.add( "Hello World" );
It is the best practice to set all global values before asserting any fact to the working memory.
List list = new ArrayList();
WorkingMemory wm = rulebase.newStatefulSession();
wm.setGlobal( "myGlobalList", list );
To use function is the way to put code in your rule source file, instead of normal Java classes.
function String hello(String name) {
return "Hello "+name+"!";
Rule Example:
rule "Approve if not rejected"
salience -100
ruleflow-group "approval"
not Rejection()
p : Policy(approved == false, policyState:status)
exists Driver(age > 25)
Process(status == policyState)
log("APPROVED: due to no objections.");
Rule attributes
no-loop default value: false
type: Boolean
When a rule's consequence modifies a fact it may cause the rule to activate again, causing
an infinite loop. Setting no-loop to true will skip the creation of another Activation for the rule
with the current set of facts.
ruleflow-group default value: N/A
type: String
Ruleflow is a Drools feature that lets you exercise control over the firing of rules. Rules that
are assembled by the same ruleflow-group identifier fire only when their group is active.
lock-on-active default value: false
type: Boolean
Whenever a ruleflow-group becomes active or an agenda-group receives the focus, any rule within that group that has lock-on-active set to true will not be activated any more
salience default value: 0
type: integer
Each rule has an integer salience attribute which defaults to zero and can be negative or positive.
Salience is a form of priority where rules with higher salience values are given higher priority when ordered in the Activation queue.
dialect default value: as specified by the package
type: String
possible values: "java" or "mvel"
The dialect species the language to be used for any code expressions in the LHS or the RHS code block.
Pattern with a binding variable
rule ...
$p : Person()
System.out.println( "Person " + $p );
The prefixed dollar symbol ($) is just a convention; it can be useful in complex rules where it helps to easily differentiate between variables and fields, but it is not mandatory.
Example with a Java class and a rule that uses this class
In Java code
public static class Person {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String sex;
Example of a rule:
rule "Every person named Mario is a male" when
$person : Person( firstName == "Mario" )
modify ( $person ) { setSex( male ) }
There is no need to add the no-loop attribute to it in order to avoid an infinite recursion because the engine recognizes that the pattern matching is done on the 'firstName' property while the RHS of the rule modifies the 'male' one.
1. Answer QnAs
2. Create two QnA with the rule source similar to QnA2, see the sample below and email to the instructor.
Question: "What output is produced by this rule?"
... source ...
Answer: ...(correct answer first)...
Answer: .. wrong answer ...
Answer: ... wrong answer ...
To avoid confusions we do not name data with the same names as keywords.
There are hard keywords that absolutely prohibited to use as data.
There are soft keywords, which can be recognized in their context.
It is still recommended to avoid them if possible, while naming data objects.
lock-on-active This attribute is used when we do not want the rules to be iterative for changes
date-effective Checks the effective date for the rule
date-expires - A rule cannot activate if the current date and time is after the date-expires attribute
no-loop Also used to cut down the iterative rules on change
auto-focus when there is no focus group set, the rule with auto-focus is given the focus
activation-group If we want to execute only one rule for a set of rules, whichever evaluates first
agenda-group Attribute used to apply rules only to a given set
ruleflow-group Defines the flow of the execution of rules
entry-point If we have multiple partitions in a Working Memory and you can choose which one you are inserting into
duration It is used to fire a rule after a stipulated amount of time
package Keyword which holds the package information in which the drl files resides
import Keyword which holds the object details which are used in the drl files
dialect defines the language in which the rules can be defined
salience holds the priority of the rules
enabled By default this attribute is true for all rules
attributes built in functions of the drool rule language
rule keyword against which the rule name is defined
extend keyword to extend the rule behavior
when considered as the LHS of the rule
then - considered as the RHS of the rule
template Keyword used to define the rule templates within a file
query Used to run a query through the rule evaluation
declare Keyword used to create new types within the rule file
function - Functions are a way to put semantic code in your rule source file
global used to define any of the global variables in the drl file
eval Its a constraint used to any valid dialect expression as long as it results to a primitive boolean
not Negation expression for a rule
in Used to evaluate a condition within a collection
or The OR conditional evaluation
and The AND condition evaluation
exists Checks whether a particular condition exists in a collection or not
forall - evaluates to true when all facts that match the first pattern match all the remaining patterns
accumulate Used to iterate over a collection of objects, executing custom actions for each of the elements, and at the end it returns a result object
collect - allows rules to reason over a collection of objects obtained from the given source or from the working memory
from to evaluate values by using the content within a collection or object
action - this is a semantic block of code in the selected dialect that will be executed for each of the source objects
reverse - if present will be executed for each source object that no longer matches the source pattern
result - this is a semantic expression in the selected dialect that is executed after all source objects are iterated
end Denotes the end of the rule syntax
over To check if certain value is OVER the specified value
init - this is a semantic block of code in the selected dialect that will be executed once for each tuple
Comments are sections of text that are ignored by the rule engine.
Single line comment
<br/>rule "Testing Comments"
<br/>// this is a single line comment
<br/>eval( true ) // this is a comment in the same line of a pattern
<br/>// this is a comment inside a semantic code block
Multi-line comment example:
<br/>rule "Test Multi-line Comments"
<br/>/* this is a multi-line comment
<br/>in the left hand side of a rule */
<br/>eval( true )
<br/>/* and this is a multi-line comment
<br/>in the right hand side of a rule */
Syntax Error Samples
1: package org.drools;
2: rule
3: when
4: Object()
5: then
6: System.out.println("A RHS");
7: end
Now the above code generates this message:
[ERR 101] Line 3:2 no viable alternative at input 'WHEN'
This message means that the parser encountered the token WHEN, actually a hard keyword, but it's in the wrong place since the the rule name is missing
1: rule simple_rule
2: when
3: Student( name == "Andy )
4: then
5: end
The above code misses to close the quotes around Andy
1: package org.drools;
3: rule "Avoid NPE on wrong syntax"
4: when
5: not( Person( ( name == "Jeff", phone == 1234567890 ) || ( name == "Julie") from $guestList )
6: then
7: System.out.println("OK");
8: end
In this case to fix the error we need to replace comma with "&&"
5: not( Person( ( name == "Jeff" && phone == 1234567890 ) || ( name == "Julie") from $guestList )
The error below is caused by meaningless line 7.
Was it clear so far?
The fdsfdsfds text is invalid and we need to remove this line.
Trailing semi-colon not allowed
This error is associated with the eval clause, where its expression may not be terminated with a semicolon. Check this example:
1: rule simple_rule
2: when
3: eval(abc();)
4: then
5: end
Due to the trailing semicolon within eval, we get this error message:
[ERR 104] Line 3:4 trailing semi-colon not allowed in rule simple_rule
This problem is simple to fix: just remove the semi-colon.
Import statements work like import statements in Java. You need to specify the fully qualified paths and type names for any objects you want to use in the rules. Drools automatically imports classes
from the Java package of the same name, and also from the package java.lang.
With global you can define global variables. They are used to make application objects available to the rules. Typically, they are used to provide data or services that the rules use, especially application services used in rule consequences, and to return data from the rules, like logs or values added in rule consequences, or for the rules to interact with the application, doing callbacks.
Globals are not inserted into the Working Memory, and therefore a global should never be used to establish conditions in rules except when it has a constant immutable value.
It is the best practice to set all global values before asserting any fact to the working memory.
List list = new ArrayList();
WorkingMemory wm = rulebase.newStatefulSession();
wm.setGlobal( "myGlobalList", list );
To use function is the way to put code in your rule source file, instead of normal Java classes.
function String hello(String name) {
return "Hello "+name+"!";
Rule Example:
<br/>rule "Approve if not rejected"
<br/>salience -100
<br/>ruleflow-group "approval"
<br/>not Rejection()
<br/>p : Policy(approved == false, policyState:status)
<br/>exists Driver(age > 25)
<br/>Process(status == policyState)
<br/>log("APPROVED: due to no objections.");
Rule attributes
no-loop default value: false
type: Boolean
When a rule's consequence modifies a fact it may cause the rule to activate again, causing
an infinite loop. Setting no-loop to true will skip the creation of another Activation for the rule
with the current set of facts.
ruleflow-group default value: N/A
type: String
Ruleflow is a Drools feature that lets you exercise control over the firing of rules. Rules that
are assembled by the same ruleflow-group identifier fire only when their group is active.
lock-on-active default value: false
type: Boolean
Whenever a ruleflow-group becomes active or an agenda-group receives the focus, any rule within that group that has lock-on-active set to true will not be activated any more
salience default value: 0
type: integer
Each rule has an integer salience attribute which defaults to zero and can be negative or positive.
Salience is a form of priority where rules with higher salience values are given higher priority when ordered in the Activation queue.
dialect default value: as specified by the package
type: String
possible values: "java" or "mvel"
The dialect species the language to be used for any code expressions in the LHS or the RHS code block.
The prefixed dollar symbol ($) is just a convention; it can be useful in complex rules where it helps to easily differentiate between variables and fields, but it is not mandatory.
Example with a Java class and a rule that uses this class
In Java code
<br/>public static class Person {
<br/>private String firstName;
<br/>private String lastName;
<br/>private String sex;
Example of a rule:
<br/>rule "Every person named Mario is a male" when
<br/>$person : Person( firstName == "Mario" )
<br/>modify ( $person ) { setSex( male ) }
There is no need to add the no-loop attribute to it in order to avoid an infinite recursion because the engine recognizes that the pattern matching is done on the 'firstName' property while the RHS of the rule modifies the 'male' one.
1. Answer QnAs
2. Create two QnA with the rule source similar to QnA2, see the sample below and email to the instructor.
Question: "What output is produced by this rule?"
... source ...
Answer: ...(correct answer first)...
Answer: .. wrong answer ...
Answer: ... wrong answer ...