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Drools Plugin to Eclipse
Moving over the Internet Technology Summit Program, you have learned and mastered Eclipse, Maven, Spring, and much more in the Java world.
So, we will focus only on Drools related subjects.
Eclipse knows how to work with Java, but Drools for Eclipse is a foreign country with a foreign language.
Drools Plugin for Eclipse serves as a good interpreter.
Follow the instructions in the illustration below to:
- Start Eclipse
- Use Eclipse - Help - New Software (use the URL below) to install the Eclipse Plugin
This should be done just once and you will need to restart Eclipse.
Now you can start a project with rules written in Drools language.
- Start New - Maven Project - click NEXT
- Make sure you selected ALL CATALOGS and maven-archetype-quickstart - NEXT
Was it clear so far?
Type Group ID (usually your organization/department) and Artifact ID (will serve as a package name)
Finally you can create a project!
You will see the project structure with the pom.xml file at the bottom.
Add to this file several dependencies as displayed on the illustration.
Then create a folder "resources" and inside another folder "rules".
This is a placeholder for the rules.
You will place your java code in src/java/main/{your package name} package.
And you will place your rules in src/main/resources/rules folder.
Assignments: 1. Answer QnAs.
2. Create a similar QnA and email to