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Threads and network project
1. Create in Eclipse the project week8.threads.http.project 2. Create the package its.day17.threads.http.project 3. Create the class MyThreadHttpProject 4. In the header of the class provide the following description.
5. The class will implement Runnable to run a thread.
6. The class will also have the readKeyword() method which will use Scanner in the for loop to allow a user to enter a keyword in the Console.
7. The class will have private String keyword; as class data.
8. The thread run method will have the loop till the entered keyword.equals("end");
Was it clear so far?
9. The thread run() method will check if keyword is not null and in this case will add this keyword to the URL that retrieves links from the site:
String url = "" + keyword;
10. The thread will use the WebReader class to read a web page based on this URL.
11. The thread will write the resulting html string to c:/its-resources/myVideo.html
12. The thread will have one minute period to run (60*1000 msec).
13. You can check c:/its-resources directory to watch the resulting web page.
14. Compress the sources and email to with the subject:
15. Enhance this project with more features, describe in Business Requirements, Design Spec, and implement in Java and email in a compressed file as to