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4.4. Spring with Apache Maven and Data Service Frameworks
First of all, what is a software framework?
A software framework is a reusable set of components integrated in a convenient package that serves a specific set of goals.
We will consider two frameworks that help creating web applications. Spring is the most popular software framework in a Java world. Spring uses its library of reusable components that saves a developer time by providing “trivial” services for handling web events and database services.
Spring framework is often used with Apache Maven, a software project management tool that can automatically find and download the latest versions of necessary jar files for your project library, can build and deploy the project and makes more magic ... based on a project object model (POM), described in the pom.xml file.
Eclipse is familiar with Apache Maven and can work with Apache Maven projects while debugging the code. If for unknown reason your code is running beautifully without any need for debugging, you might not need Eclipse at all. Maven can do all work by itself with several keystrokes from the command line.
Here is the plan:
a) Download and install Maven
b) Create Spring project with Maven and
c) Use Eclipse for debugging the code
Download and install Maven
Use this link to download the latest Maven, for example,
Unzip Maven zip file into your c:/tools – directory (create, if you did not have it) and rename the new directory, for example, apache-maven-3.3.3-bin into maven.
Add the path to c:\tools\maven\bin to the PATH variables in the system environment.
Was it clear so far?
To do this use WindowKey+S (search) and type Environment Variables.
In the System Properties window click on Environment Variables button and then in the System variables click on the Path control and Edit control.
Add semicolon (;) to the end of the long line of the Path variables and add the path to the maven binaries: c:\tools\maven\bin.
Save this updated record. Now your command line window can take maven commands.
Open a command line window and enter:
mvn –version
If you see the polite response with the version – you are done with installation.
If the command line window screams at you “…not recognized as an internal or external command..” – check manually c:/tools/maven/bin – if you have binary files there and check if you properly edited the Path in the Environment Variables.
1. Read more about Maven at
2. Check the Run section and try entering the commands in the command line window. (We have no project so far, so it will not do much good yet.)
3. Read the section “Build a project with Maven”
4. Create 2 QnAs and email as 4.4.Maven.QnA.Your.Name.txt to
5. Check out this video:
and try to find a better one, then email the best link to